

Mon - Thur: 11 AM - 6 PM

There are a lot of meditation techniques, some are very active and ask you to move, while others ask you to be still and quiet. There are techniques that focus on your emotions, your thoughts, and your breath, while still others will ask you to disengage from them.

How can we have such a great variety of activities and they all fall under the same meditation umbrella? The answer is that any activity, mindset, intention, or conscious attempt to focus our attention on a focal point in a non-analytical way is a moment of meditation. So we can harness different activities for them to become meditation techniques and that’s why there are hundreds of them. They include breathing meditations, walking meditation, body scan meditation, chakra meditation, self-compassion, loving kindness, eating, yoga, and even bathing (water) meditations.

If you have ever felt that sitting quietly and clearing your mind was not going to work for you and therefore you cannot meditate – know you have many options. Giving up on meditation after one attempt is like giving up on dating after one bad date.

We need to find the right meditation for you, to allow you to focus your attention on what you want, reminding you that a busy mind does not mean you have lost the ability to focus.